Always Something New in Your Wardrobe: The Kleiderei Way to Sustainable Fashion

At, we’re thrilled to celebrate the arrival of Kleiderei in Berlin! This innovative concept is transforming the way we think about fashion and sustainability. With stores now in Cologne, Freiburg, Stuttgart, and Berlin, Kleiderei offers a unique solution for fashion enthusiasts who want to stay stylish while making a positive impact on the environment and society. How, read further.

The Concept: Flexibility and Variety

At Kleiderei, you can find the perfect outfit for any event – whether it’s a party, a family gathering, or just a spontaneous must-have addition to your wardrobe. The concept is a clothing library which allows you to borrow clothing as member. The best part? You can swap your borrowed pieces as often as you like, with no extra costs or limits. This not only keeps your wardrobe fresh and exciting but also helps reduce the need for constant new purchases. Members pay 29€ for 4 pieces or 39€ for 6 pieces monthly.

Embracing Sustainability Together

Kleiderei encourages slower consumption by promoting the shared use of clothing. This practice conserves resources significantly. By joining the Kleiderei community, you actively participate in reducing the environmental footprint of fashion. Every swap means fewer new clothes need to be produced, which translates to less water usage, fewer chemicals, and reduced carbon emissions.

Say Goodbye to New Purchases

With Kleiderei, you can experiment with different styles, rediscover forgotten trends, and find timeless looks that perfectly complement your existing wardrobe. This approach helps you avoid unnecessary new purchases, thus contributing to a more sustainable fashion cycle.

Avoiding Fashion Mistakes

We’ve all been there – buying an item only to realize it doesn’t quite fit our style. With Kleiderei, you can try out each piece first and decide later if it’s a quick fling or a lasting love. This helps you make more informed decisions, reducing the chances of regrettable purchases and ensuring that your wardrobe only consists of pieces you truly love.

Finding Your Favorite Pieces

When you do find that perfect piece, you’re in luck! As a member of Kleiderei, you get special discounts on your favorite items. This ensures that you can buy pieces that you know will be cherished parts of your wardrobe for a long time, reinforcing the idea of purchasing with intention and care.

Circular Economy and Less Waste

By participating in Kleiderei’s model, you are contributing to the circular economy. This means you’re helping to save countless clothing items from ending up in landfills and significantly cutting down CO2 emissions. It’s an easy and impactful way to make a difference.

Join the Community

Kleiderei offers a fresh and innovative approach to fashion, merging style with sustainability. By embracing this model, you can enjoy a dynamic wardrobe while making responsible choices that benefit the environment and society. Join the Kleiderei community today and take the first step towards a more sustainable and stylish future.

We at are excited to support such initiatives and encourage everyone to explore how they can make a positive impact through their clothing choices. Let’s celebrate sustainable fashion and welcome Kleiderei to Berlin!

Photo by Foto von Cleo Vermij auf Unsplash
written & edited with ChatGPT

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