How can I dress in a regenerative way?

As consumers, we have the power to make a positive impact on the environment and society through our clothing choices. Regenerative fashion is an emerging movement that seeks to create a more sustainable and ethical approach to fashion. This article will explore how you can dress in a regenerative way, highlighting best practices and the concrete impact it can have on the environment and society. Continue reading “How can I dress in a regenerative way?”

Sufficiency in clothing consumption: why less is often more

 In a world where fast fashion is part of everyday life and the shelves are filled with ever new collections, it is easy to lose track of our clothing consumption. But more and more people are coming to terms with the impact of our consumption and looking for more sustainable alternatives. One of these is sufficiency in clothing consumption – a concept that focuses on conscious consumption and reduction. Continue readingSufficiency in clothing consumption: why less is often more

Vegan, baby

I’m not sure that with all our sustainability efforts, the majority of us are aware of what’s in our clothes: Birkenstocks made of leather, shaving brushes made of badger hair, hip down jackets made of goose feathers – all sustainable. It depends on how you look at it. All these things contain materials of animal origin. Is vegan the more sustainable alternative? Continue reading “Vegan, baby”

We love being by the sea – plasticfree, baby

Water is our elixir of life. We love to be by the water, the lake, the sea and to relax. Without water, nothing is created, neither humans nor nature can survive. But far out in the oceans, whole plastic islands of unimaginable size are floating, caused by us humans. Tiny micro-particles of plastic float beneath the surface of the water, invisible to our eyes and disturbing our ecological balance. Already today, scientists can prove that plastic waste caused by humans ultimately harms not only marine life, but also ourselves. The production and use of our clothing are a driving factor. Continue reading “We love being by the sea – plasticfree, baby”

GOTS – The Gold Standard of sustainable clothes

There are so many things to look out for when it comes to sustainable fashion. But it can also be as simple as sticking to seals that are a guarantee of sustainability. Like the GOTS seal, for example. The Global Organic Textile Standard is a globally recognised, strict standard for textiles from sustainable production including raw material cultivation. You can trust products with this seal with the white shirt on a green background, a clean slate, so to speak. Why? Continue reading “GOTS – The Gold Standard of sustainable clothes”

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