Sufficiency in clothing consumption: why less is often more

 In a world where fast fashion is part of everyday life and the shelves are filled with ever new collections, it is easy to lose track of our clothing consumption. But more and more people are coming to terms with the impact of our consumption and looking for more sustainable alternatives. One of these is sufficiency in clothing consumption – a concept that focuses on conscious consumption and reduction.

What does sufficiency mean?

Sufficiency is a concept that deals with the question of how much consumption we really need to lead a fulfilled life. It is not about renunciation or restriction, but about conscious consumption and the avoidance of excess. In the context of clothing, sufficiency means that we consciously choose clothes that we really need and that we enjoy – instead of being tempted by bargains and trends.

What are the benefits of sufficiency in clothing consumption?

The advantages of sufficiency in clothing consumption are obvious: by consuming consciously, we reduce our ecological footprint and conserve resources. In addition, we can focus on clothes that really suit us and bring us joy, instead of being influenced by trends and mass consumption. This can help us feel more comfortable in our clothes and wear them longer – which in turn leads to a reduction in waste and wastefulness.

How can sufficiency in clothing consumption be implemented?

There are several ways to implement sufficiency in clothing consumption:

  1. Buy only what you really need: Before you go into a buying frenzy, think about which clothes you really need and which will give you pleasure. Buy consciously and avoid impulse purchases.
  2. Go for quality over quantity: Instead of buying a lot of cheap clothes, invest in a few high-quality pieces that will last longer and feel better.
  3. second-hand clothes: Second-hand clothes are a sustainable alternative to buying new and often offer unique and individual pieces.
  4. Repair clothes instead of throwing them away: When clothes break, repair them instead of throwing them away. This will save you money and conserve resources.
  5. Share your clothes: Organise clothes swap parties or sell clothes you no longer need to second-hand shops. This way you can make others happy and free up space in your wardrobe at the same time.

To sum up, sufficiency in clothing consumption is a sensible alternative to the current trend of mass consumption of clothing. The concept of sufficiency focuses on conscious consumption and reduction of excess and can help to reduce our ecological footprint and conserve resources. By consciously choosing clothes that we really need and enjoy, we can feel better in our clothes and wear them longer. There are different ways to implement sufficiency in clothing consumption, such as buying good quality clothes, repairing broken clothes and sharing clothes with others. Ultimately, implementing sufficiency in clothing consumption can help make our clothing consumption more sustainable and conscious.

Now, we just do practice it. Let’s go for it.

Nancy Bocken (2019)
Gossen & Heinrich (2022)
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Photo frrom Silvestri Matteo at Unsplash 

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