Being informed matters. Information literacy as game changer for sustainable fashion behaviour.

At we are aiming at fostering information literacy to strengthen consumers in Europe. In this article we discuss the role of information literacy for sustainble fashion consumption and give insights how to improve it.’


How do information literacy and sustainable fashion consumption go together?

Information literacy plays an important role in sustainable fashion consumption. Only when one has comprehensive information about the products, materials and manufacturing processes can one make conscious and informed purchasing decisions. Information literacy enables one to understand the hidden costs of a garment and thus make a well-informed decision.

Those who apply their information literacy can specifically look for products that are produced in an environmentally friendly and fair way. Information can be obtained about the origin of the materials, the working conditions of those involved in the production and the environmental impact of the manufacturing process. With this knowledge, sustainable fashion products can be identified and specifically purchased.

Furthermore, information literacy promotes an awareness of consumer culture and the impact of our consumer behaviour on the environment. Increased information literacy leads us to shop less impulsively and instead make more conscious purchasing decisions. We can thus reduce the ecological footprint of our clothing and build a more sustainable wardrobe in the long run.

How can I increase information literacy for sustainable fashion consumption?

Research: A good basis of information is the most important step to learn about sustainable fashion consumption. Various sources of information such as blogs, websites, magazines, books or conversations with experts can provide important information.

Critical analysis: Information that is found should be critically analysed. Important aspects to consider are, for example, the source of the information and its credibility, as well as the context in which it was presented.

Understanding the sustainable aspects of fashion: Besides materials and working conditions, production and logistics are also an important factor in clothing. Understanding the processes and their impacts helps to choose fashion products that are supportive in the long term.

Information exchange: Engage in exchange with people who have an equal interest in sustainability and can provide advice and experience. Discussions can help to gain a deeper understanding.

Practical application: The knowledge learned about sustainable fashion should be actively applied in practice to experience the impact of one’s own actions. This will improve the learning curve for future behaviour.

Continuous learning: The last step is continuous learning. Including new experts, blogs or books to keep up to date. Or attending workshops and conferences to further educate yourself.

What is your state of knowledge? Are you interested in the background? Do you make conscious decisions? What are your next steps?

At we are building a learning platform to engage in sustainable fashion consumption.

Photp by Jong Marshes Unsplash



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