Press realease 01: Can consumers learn to consume sustainably? develops learning concept & educational app on sustainable clothing consumption and surveys potential users

Mandy Töppel and Kristina Fajga from Berlin have been blogging on since 2019 around topics of sustainable clothing consumption and ask themselves what a 1.5 degree lifestyle looks like. During their research, they noticed that information on the topic is scattered everywhere, contradicts each other and is sometimes not available at all.

Under these circumstances, it is made difficult for consumers to adopt sustainable behaviours. The bloggers wondered whether by strengthening information literacy, consumers can be empowered to learn what information needs exist, where to find relevant information, how it relates to each other and to share this knowledge. In this context, the two Berliners have been conducting a feasibility study in the ILP Fashion Project – Information Literacy Platform of Responsible Fashion Consumption and Utilisation since December 2021 to develop a sustainable learning concept and implement it in an educational app.

First video prototypes with learning concept developed together with project partners

During the project, a learning concept was developed and implemented in two video prototypes on the topics of “materials” and “second hand”. The core of the learning concept is a holistic transfer of knowledge that conveys aspects of the effects of clothing consumption on the environment and society as well as knowledge about applications in everyday life and the handling of information. The knowledge is to be conveyed primarily via videos and guides. was supported by renowned project partners such as Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie GmbH, Cradle to Cradle NGO, Hessnatur Foundation, IÖW Institute for Ecological Economy Research, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation and the Senior Research Group Berlin as well as stakeholders such as Femnet e.V., Givn Berlin, looplook, Project Cece, and researchers in the field of sustainable consumption Dr. Samira Iran and Dr. Maike Gossen from the Technical University of Berlin.

Online survey with learning video launched – Donations will be made if you participate
A survey (in German) is currently being conducted among potential users of the app to gather feedback on the video and the planned platform and to involve them in the development at an early stage. Interested parties can take part in an online survey and watch the video until the end of November 2022. For every completed questionnaire, will donate 1 euro to the non-profit association trial and error e.V. ( from Berlin-Neukölln, which offers workshops and repair cafés for sustainable clothing consumption. Taking part and spreading the word is doubly worthwhile. You can find the survey here

The ILP Fashion Project is funded by the Innovation Programme for Business Models and Pioneer Solutions (IGP) of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection.


Dr. Kristina Fajga |


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