Embracing Circular Fashion: A Sustainable Revolution for Our Closets


In a world where environmental concerns are mounting, many of us are seeking ways to live more sustainably. The fashion industry, long criticized for its wasteful practices and environmental impact, has seen a transformation in recent years with the rise of circular fashion. In this blog post, we will explore the advantages of circular fashion for the environment and society, provide practical tips for consumers, and discuss how to enhance information literacy for making sustainable choices. Continue reading “Embracing Circular Fashion: A Sustainable Revolution for Our Closets”

H&M Foundation & HKRITA, Stockholm

Looop, the first in-store direct-to customer recycling system form garment to garment (G-2-G), is now live in Europe, Stockholm, Sweden. Before, it was set up in Hong Kong. With looop, used clothes, post-consumer waste, will be transformed in new clothes, within a few hours. The groundbreaking technology presents a solution, heading into the right direction, towards a circular economy. Continue reading “H&M Foundation & HKRITA, Stockholm”

Mud Jeans from Laren

Mud Jeans is a real pioneer when it comes to circularity and cradle-2-cradle in the fashion industry. They produce and offer jeans in a sustainable manner. How can it be sustainable, to offer one of the “dirtiest” garments in the world?  Mud Jeans revolutionizes the fashion industry by introducing the concept of “service” instead of “ownership” with they awarded “lease a jeans” system. We had the chance to meet lovely Linda from Mud Jeans at Neonyt 01/2020 and talked about their idea. Continue reading “Mud Jeans from Laren”

SKFK from Bilbao

SKFK is a European ethnical fashion brand from Bilbao, Spain. It was founded by Mikel Feijoo Elzo. In 2018, the brand changed its name from Skunkfunk to SKFK. SKFK is a brand, which has been founded by friends with no backgrounds in fashion industry in 1999. The success story started with t-shirts and not really any specific sustainable goals. While growing they get to know the “real fashion industry”, what makes them think twice and react. Nowadays, SKFK is designing and selling organic and recycled women wear and accessories. Continue reading “SKFK from Bilbao”

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