NEW: 202030 The Berlin Fashion Summit (21-24/01/2021)

The 202030 Berlin Fashion Summit will take place for the first time. The format offers space to discuss issues that move the fashion industry in international workshops and to develop visions. The main thematic strands are sustainability and digitalisation, fashion and culture and a look at the fashion system. We are curious about the new format. We had the chance to take part at the POP UP THINK TANK. 


Looking forward to Neonyt on Air. 2021

The digital community format „Neonyt on Air“ enters a second round – from 18 to 22 January 2021 fashion, lifestyle and digital experts will virtually discuss the latest developments as well as innovations of the sustainable fashion and textile industry. 

WEAR IT Virtual Series 2020 – 16th of July 2020

How will wearable and close to body technology products and services impact our lifes in a post corona age ? The corona pandemic has become a daily reality for the global population and the world is desperately looking for ideas and solutions to help tackle the devestating harm that is caused by this virus. Free tickets are available. Stay informed. We will do.

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