Sustainable Fashion Trends: A Look at Fleece Jackets, Down Jackets, Denim, Oversize, and Transparent Fabrics

The fashion industry is continuously evolving, and recent trends are marked by a growing emphasis on sustainability. While consumers are excited about the latest styles, they are also becoming more conscious of the environmental and social impacts of their fashion choices. In this article, we will explore how current fashion trends, such as fleece jackets, down jackets, denim, oversize clothing, and transparent fabrics, can be aligned with sustainability. We will discuss how consumers can make eco-friendly choices and the potential effects of these trends on the environment and society. Continue reading “Sustainable Fashion Trends: A Look at Fleece Jackets, Down Jackets, Denim, Oversize, and Transparent Fabrics”

Embracing Circular Fashion: A Sustainable Revolution for Our Closets


In a world where environmental concerns are mounting, many of us are seeking ways to live more sustainably. The fashion industry, long criticized for its wasteful practices and environmental impact, has seen a transformation in recent years with the rise of circular fashion. In this blog post, we will explore the advantages of circular fashion for the environment and society, provide practical tips for consumers, and discuss how to enhance information literacy for making sustainable choices. Continue reading “Embracing Circular Fashion: A Sustainable Revolution for Our Closets”

The Power of Minimalism: Less Clothing Consumption for a Greener World


In our fast-paced consumer society, it’s easy to get caught up in the cycle of constantly buying new clothes. Fashion trends change at lightning speed, and many of us find ourselves with overflowing closets and a feeling of emptiness. But have you ever considered the impact of this never-ending clothing consumption on the environment and society? In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of consuming less clothing, not only for the planet but also for our communities, and provide practical tips to help you embrace a more sustainable wardrobe while honing your information literacy skills. Continue reading “The Power of Minimalism: Less Clothing Consumption for a Greener World”

The Power of Second-Hand Clothing: A Sustainable Choice for the Environment and Society

In a world where fast fashion has dominated the clothing industry for decades, it’s time to embrace a more sustainable and conscientious way of shopping: second-hand clothing. This simple choice can have a significant positive impact on both the environment and society, making it a powerful step towards a better future. Continue reading “The Power of Second-Hand Clothing: A Sustainable Choice for the Environment and Society”

Embracing the 1.5 Degree Lifestyle: Sustainable Changes in Clothing Consumption

In the pursuit of a sustainable lifestyle aligned with the 1.5-degree climate target, the fashion industry plays a crucial role. The Hot or Cool Institute recently conducted a study to explore how we can achieve a sustainable approach to clothing. Their report highlights the pressing need for change and provides valuable insights. This article aims to summarize the key findings and outline effective strategies for transitioning to a more eco-friendly wardrobe. Continue reading “Embracing the 1.5 Degree Lifestyle: Sustainable Changes in Clothing Consumption”

How can I dress in a regenerative way?

As consumers, we have the power to make a positive impact on the environment and society through our clothing choices. Regenerative fashion is an emerging movement that seeks to create a more sustainable and ethical approach to fashion. This article will explore how you can dress in a regenerative way, highlighting best practices and the concrete impact it can have on the environment and society. Continue reading “How can I dress in a regenerative way?”

Sufficiency in clothing consumption: why less is often more

 In a world where fast fashion is part of everyday life and the shelves are filled with ever new collections, it is easy to lose track of our clothing consumption. But more and more people are coming to terms with the impact of our consumption and looking for more sustainable alternatives. One of these is sufficiency in clothing consumption – a concept that focuses on conscious consumption and reduction. Continue readingSufficiency in clothing consumption: why less is often more

B Corp Certificate

The fashion industry faces many challenges in terms of sustainability and social responsibility. B Corp assessments provide a way for companies in this industry to evaluate and improve their impact on the environment and society, and for consumers to get guidance. We first came across the certification when we took a closer look at MUD Jeans. Continue reading “B Corp Certificate”

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